Online Banking and beyond

We have the most implementations of Internet and Mobile Banking in Romania. We also develop applications that improve the financial life of users. See the presentation of our application.

A look back at the top modules and functionalities launched for GETIK clients during 2023

Exchange negotiation flow

Enables exchange rate negotiation through a treasury dealer.

Multiple payment mode

Introduce a payment to multiple beneficiaries, including by multiplying.

3D Secure V2

Another bank launches a biometric authorization module for card payments integrated in Mobile Banking

Waiting available

Places payments in pending status until a working day’s end, until the system is available, or opens the following day.

Salary module

With employee lists and multiplying the list from the previous month.

User recovery flow

Identifies the customer online and securely sends them their username.


Recent projects

Transfond Instant

Integration with the online interbank payment system

Open Banking for Moldova

The Berlin Group v2 standard

Digital Card

Issues a digital card in just a few minutes with immediate use via Apple Pay and Google Pay.

True 24/7 Balance

Delivers an online management application available for all digital channels: Online Banking, payment cards, interactive voice response (IVR), and PSD2 API.


Integrates accounts from other banks through a PSD2 API.

Internet Banking

Internet Banking for a bank in Romania.

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking for an other bank in Romania


Securely accesses card information for online payments, including the card number, expiration date, and CVV.

Automated exchange negotiation

Enables the automatic flow of foreign exchange trading without requiring human intervention.

Transfond Instant

Integrarea cu sistemul de plăti interbancare online

Open Banking for Moldova

The Berlin Group v2 standard

Digital Card

Emitere in doar câteva minute cu utilizare imediată prin Apple Pay si Google Pay.

True 24/7 Balance

Aplicația de gestiune online a disponibilului pentru toate canalele digitale: Online Banking, Carduri, IVR, PSD2 API


Integrare conturi de la alte bănci prin PSD2 API

Internet Banking

Internet Banking pentru o banca din Romania.

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking pentru o alta banca din Romania


Accesare informații securizate card pentru plăți online (număr card, data expirare, CVV)
Negociere schimburi fără operator

Internet Banking

Internet Banking pentru o banca din Romania.

GETIK can also support you in developing additional projects. Want to know more?
Get in touch with us

StarTech Platform- parteneriat partnership for startups

Our platform is also available for partnerships with StartUp. Regardless of your startup’s domain, our team is ready to become your experienced software developer partner.


Our solutions.

We deliver top-tier user experiences through mapping user journeys and conducting extensive testing. When leaving these tasks to us, we make it possible for you to focus on what’s important to your team – providing exceptional financial products.

Internet Banking & Mobile Banking

GETIK’s application is built to the highest industry standards. It has each of the fundamental features required by modern users as well as specialized functions that exceed user expectations. Our mobile app with biometric identification (available for both Android and iOS) is integrated via mobile token.

Online and digital payment cards

Modernize payments by providing your customers with digital cards and a seamless online card system.

24/7 True Balance

Join the circle of banks integrated with TRANSFOND instant payments to help customers transfer funds in a matter of seconds


Integrate an API compliant with PSD2 and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) requirements to create cutting-edge products.


Online flows for loan applications integrated with the core banking for scoring calculation and online decisions.

SME Onboarding

Simplified onboarding for SMEs, complete with a token signature and zero branch involvement.

Want to learn more about our products?

Contact us

All-in one app

Use of a single Mobile Banking application that includes the following modules:

  • Mobile Banking
  • 3D Secure Biometric
  • Antivirus

How do we deliver the products?

When working with GETIK, you can choose how you’d like us to deliver a solution to your business. We offer both lean and end-to-end approaches, and depending on your team’s current needs and resources, our team adjusts our method to meet you where you’re at

Hybrid team

Hybrid delivery: GETIK works together with your team to develop your own solutions on a stable platform based on your organization’s desired timeline

End to end

End-to-end delivery: GETIK’s team of experts develops and implements your team’s product according to your organization’s individual needs

Frequent questions

Can GETIK’s solutions be integrated with any core banking system?

Yes. To date, we have successfully integrated our solutions with four different core banking systems.

Do GETIK’s applications feature a UI specific to our bank?

Absolutely. In our work with each of our clients, we ensure compliance with their brand’s guidelines and work closely with them to define user experience requirements.

Which tokens have GETIK’s system been integrated with?

So far, we have implemented tokens from three separate providers with various solutions.A mobile token can be integrated in an Mobile Banking application, which provides customers with a single-purpose app.

On the way
Half of all IT projects in the banking industry are below average! Can you believe that? It is true by definition because the mean is the midpoint 😉

Choose the best half!

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